Do you believe you are experiencing a dental emergency? Call our office in Levittown, PA today: 215-945-5100. With flexible scheduling and immediate availability for emergency patients, we do our best to quickly and efficiently accommodate all dental emergencies.
Request a Dental Emergency Visit
Dental emergencies are quite common in the United States. According to the CDC, more than a quarter of all adults in the United States have untreated tooth decay, and "nearly half of all adults aged 30 years or older show signs of gum disease" (Source: CDC).
Untreated tooth decay and gum disease can lead to dental or oral pain—precisely the type of pain often described as "emergency." While bothersome, a chipped or cracked tooth, may not be an emergency. On the other hand, a chipped or cracked tooth that includes severe pain is an emergency.
Yet, the dental profession's governing body, the American Dental Association (ADA), makes the distinction between the severity of pain. According to the ADA, true emergency care involves "potentially life-threatening" situations that require "immediate attention."
In this context, the ADA defines "urgent" dental problems as "conditions that require immediate attention to relieve severe pain and/or risk of infection and to alleviate the burden on hospital emergency departments" (source).
At Esthetic Dental, we understand the urgency of all dental pain. ADA distinctions notwithstanding, we do our best to see all emergency or urgent patients as soon as possible.
Here is a simple way to evaluate your own immediate situation: Any dental problem that includes bleeding, severe pain, or the potential loss of a tooth is an emergency. If you are experiencing these symptoms now, please call our office in Levittown, PA, now: 215-945-5100.
Of course, the best way to avoid emergency dental problems is to maintain a proactive oral health care regime, including daily brushing and flossing and routine check-ups.
However, if you do experience an emergency dental problem, the best way to assure a speedy recovery and a good prognosis is prompt treatment.
A quick visit to an emergency dentist can also save you money. Tooth pain that requires a filling today may require more intervention—like a crown or root canal—in the future. Of course, beyond your symptoms, which may compromise your quality of life, waiting to treat any pain means added interventions and additional expense.
The upshot? If you are experiencing dental pain, call Esthetic Dental to discuss your treatment options for quick and efficient pain relief and cost-savings.
Esthetic Dental empathizes with all patients experiencing sudden tooth damage or severe pain. Some traumas may require immediate attention. For patients who believe they are experiencing an "emergency" or "urgent" dental problem, we offer same-day (and often same-hour) scheduling.
We promise quick and courteous service. You can rest easy knowing that we will do everything possible to quickly solve your dental emergency with minimal added cost.
If you need emergency dentistry services, please call us at our Suburban Philadelphia location in Levittown, PA: 215-945-5100.