Full or Partial Dentures Specialist
in Levittown, PA

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Dentures Specialist at Estetic Dental

Dentures provide a safe and attractive solution to replace missing teeth. Formed to match the structure of your oral cavity and supported by the soft tissues of your gums, these so-called "false teeth" maximize oral function, increasing your ability to masticate and communicate effectively, while improving your smile.

According to the most recent statistics from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), only 48% of adults aged 20-64 have a full set of teeth, and about 19% of adults over 65 have lost all permanent teeth—a condition known as "edentulism" (Source: CDC). For this latter population, especially, dentures can significantly increase quality of life while improving self-esteem.

A viable alternative to dental implants, dentures can replace all or some of the teeth on the top or bottom of the jaw, respectively known as the maxillary (upper) and mandibular (lower) arches.

If you want to explore your options for full or partial dentures, please do not hesitate to call Esthetic Dental care of Levittown, PA, today: 215-945-5100. Our courteous and compassionate staff can help you explore the best options for effective and affordable dentures.

Modern Types of Dentures

Washington had to endure dentures "wired" to his teeth, yet modern patients often wear full or partial dentures with flexible polymers, which are molded to replicate the patient's gum line for a snug and comfortable fit.

The dentures themselves are made of various types of plastic or porcelain, which is still often a viable alternative in modern dentistry. However, porcelain may not be the best option for many patients, especially those who need dentures to fit existing teeth.

Most patients prefer removable snap-in dentures, which can be cleaned overnight, yet some patients prefer permanent dentures, which include a framework fastened into place with implants.

Whatever your type of denture you prefer, you can rest assured that your dentures will be custom fit to your unique mouth and matched to your existing teeth.

How Much Do Dentures Cost?

The cost of full or partial dentures depends on the materials and the manufacturing process. Dentures cost less than dental implants, on average, yet many factors contribute to cost, including insurance, so it's best to contact a reliable dental practice to discuss your options.

To discuss the most viable denture options for your unique situation, including options for affordable dentures and implants, as well as denture repairs, call our offices in Levittown, PA today: 215-945-5100.

The History of Dentures

Humans have replaced missing teeth for centuries, at least as far back as the Etruscan civilization, the predecessor to the Roman Empire. Early dentures were made of "human or other animal teeth fastened together with gold bands" (source: Wikipedia).

Later types of dentures included wood, human teeth, or ivory. In the late 18th century, the French dentist Nicolas Dubois de Chémant patented a process similar to today's dentistry, using porcelain paste.

George Washington had perhaps the most famous set of dentures. Contrary to the old folklore, Washington's dentures were not made of wood: "Dr. John Baker, the first dentist to fashion false teeth for Washington, fabricated a partial denture with ivory that was wired to Washington's remaining real teeth" (source: MtVernon.org).